

girlman 於 星期一 七月 18, 2005 8:03 pm


Q1) Let k > 0
      (a) (i) Find the common ratio of the GP k, 10k, 100k.
          (ii) Finf the sum of the first n terms og GP k, 10k, 100k,…
      (b) (i) Show that
                          log10 k,   log10  10k,   log10  100k
                 is an AP.
           (ii) Find the sum of the first n terms of AP
                          log10 k,  log10  10k,  log10  100k,….
                 Also, if n = 10, what is the sum?

Q2)  a and b are positive numbers a, -2, b form a GP and -2, b, a
         form an AP.
       (a) Find the value of ab.
       (b) Find the values of a and b.
       (c) (i) Find the sum to infinity of the GP a, -2, b,…
            (ii)Find the sum to infinity of all the terms that are positive in the GP
                 a, -2, b,…

Q3)  $P is deposited in a bank at the interst rate of r% per annum
         compounded annually. At the end of each year, 1/3 of the amount in
         the account (including principal and interest) is drawn out and the
         remainder is redeposited at the same rate.
         Let  $Q1, $Q2, $Q3,… denote respectively the sums of money
         drawn out at the end of the first year, second year, third year,….
         a) (i) Express Q1 and Q2 in terms of P and r.
             (ii) Show that Q3 = 4/27P(1+r%)^3.
         b) Q1 , Q2 , Q3 , … form a GP.Find the common ratio in terms of r.
         c) Suppose Q3=27/128P .
               (i) Find the value of r .
               (ii) If P = 10000 , find Q1 + Q2 + Q3 + … + Q10 .
                         (Give your answer correct to the nearest integer.)
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文章: 1
註冊時間: 2005-07-18
來自: HK
