[數學]graphing function vs integration

[數學]graphing function vs integration

daniellam 於 星期四 十月 20, 2005 8:02 am

i have a function here, that i founded difficult to deal with, x^2-2y^3+4y=2:
by using implicit differentiation, i got the first derivative of the function,
but the doubt is that i have no idea of how to graph it on a TI-83, Texas-produced, graphing calculator,
i have tried isolation of y, to yield a "y=" equation, but i failed, if solving for x in terms of y, and graph a inverse function of that won't gimme the same graph as it is from the answer.......=.="
1) how to graph it on a graphing calculator that allows only "y=" equation?
2) how to take the integral of a derivation of a function which (the derivation) contains y and x in it, eg: dy/dx=(2x-y)/(6y^2-4y-4), or simply dy/dx=-y/x

thank you.....

文章: 1
註冊時間: 2005-10-19
來自: HK
