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發表 yll 於 星期二 九月 22, 2009 9:11 pm

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這種洗牌方法叫inverse Gilbert-Shannon-Reeds shuffle (inverse GSR shuffle)。Bayer和Diaconis証明了若進行大約次inverse GSR shuffle,副牌就大約「洗勻」了。換言之,對牌來說,需要洗牌大約 8.55 次。

當然,現實中用inverse GSR shuffle未免太慢了(擲52次骰仔,每次1秒,再加其餘動作,最少也要1分鐘吧)。但大家想想,若inverse GSR shuffle如兩段前所述,那麼non-inverse

GSR shuffle會是怎樣的?大家又是否覺得似曾相識呢?


Below is for more advanced math students. Only people who have some background on Markov Chain theory should continue reading:

Forthose who know about Markov Chain theory, you may easily see that it isa Markov process. As every element in the symmetric group has aninverse, it is easy to observe that the eigenvector with eigenvalue 1is indeed the "uniform distribution vector".

The period of thecorresponding stochastic matrix must be 1, since there is non-zeroprobability that the inverse GSR shuffle remains the deck unchanged.Hence by Perron-Frobenius theorem, all other eigenvectors must be witheigenvalue of modulus strictly less than 1. So after shufflingsufficiently many times, no matter how the intial distribution is, itmust converge to the unifrom distribution.

In other words, youmay say converging to uniform distribution is an immediate result ofPerron-Frobenius theorem. Bayer and Diaconis were analyzing

how fast the convergence is.

http://mathdb.blogspot.com/2009/09/blog-post_20.html 左鍵: 點擊縮放; 右鍵: 觀看原圖